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Currently reading

The God Delusion
Richard Dawkins
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
Henry Miller
The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World
Marti Olsen Laney
The Positive Power Of Negative Thinking
Julie K. Norem
A Druid's Tale
Cat Treadwell

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 1)

Dark Lover - J.R. Ward Well, it started out "Meh", got pretty good in the middle, and then totally dived to a "cliché much?" in the end. Still, a nice light read before I head back into the heaviness of literary fiction and textbooks.

I am a huge vampire fan; though not a romance fan. If I have to take some romance with my blood-suckers, I'll try and get through it. This one ... had a bit too much for my liking. It's not erotica, but it's damned close. Close enough to make me dock a star. And then the cliché of the swooning woman and the out-of-countrol-libido man caused me to dock another star.

Still, as light reading, it's as good as it gets. I'll commit to the second in the series and see how it goes from there.

The Color of Magic

The Color of Magic  - Terry Pratchett Setting this one aside for now as well ...

Tao: The Watercourse Way

Tao: The Watercourse Way - Alan Wilson Watts, Al Chung-Liang Huang, Lee Chih-chang Setting this one aside for now....

61 Hours (Jack Reacher, Book 14)

61 Hours - Lee Child Unlike the other Reacher stories, very early on I found myself questioning one particular character and suspecting him to be the rat in the ointment. Usually I am in the dark until almost the end ... this time, it seems, I was right on track. Nevertheless, as with all the other Reacher stories I've read thus far, I could not put it down until it was done. My only issue was the cliffhanger ending - most unusual and caused me to go looking for #15 straight away. Nevermind that it was 3 in the morning, I *had* to know what happened.

Note that it isn't necessary to read 61 Hours before reading Worth Dying For; but if you've read 61 Hours I guarantee you'll want to go get Worth Dying For immediately.
The idea of two writer collaborating on an idea without consulting each other until the conclusion intrigued me. I'll tell you this much ... I didn't even notice. Three chapters, a whole world of hurt, and major thrills.

Persuader (Jack Reacher, #7)

Persuader (Jack Reacher, #7) - Lee Child A slightly non-typical Reacher: This story is a little more about Reacher's unfinished business as an MP than it is about his constant wanderings and accidental encounters with people in need of his unique brand of justice.

Though I have to say I couldn't help but think about Tom Cruise as Reacher as I read this one and it just did not gel well with me at all. Whatever it is that Lee Child and the movie producers are thinking, it's not rational.

From a Buick 8

From a Buick 8 - Stephen King Classic King. I was laughing, cringing, cowering, and intrigued all at the same time. And also as is usual with King, I could not put it down before I had gotten through to the end. True to form, King builds a world behind ours that makes us wonder what kind of insight he has into the afterworld (or otherworld, if you prefer). The man is a genius.

Copycat Ripper

Copycat Ripper - Bryan Stark Didn't finish reading it - it got a little tedious in the end with sex scenes that were graphic without class and finesse and a plot that dragged as a result of the straying storyline.

I kept getting the feeling that the author was biding time until the climax (no pun intended) by filling the space with sex to keep the reader interested. I found myself skipping ahead to find the thread of the main plot again, and when I found it, I'd read for a page or 2 more and end up back in someone's bed yet again. I just couldn't finish it at that rate.

The Warlock (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)

The Warlock - Michael Scott The series is slowing down. A lot less is happening in this installment. It took me a whole to get through it because of that. Nevertheless, it feels like even though the action is slowing, it's still building towards a huge finish. I hope I'm not wrong and that when we finally get there - to the end - it's as explosive as the first one ... or even more so.

Untamed (House of Night, Book 4)

Untamed - Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast Still juvenile, but I think that's part of the .. "charm"? That said, Zoey and her friends are getting into some serious hot water ... The story is heating up beautifully - I was rabid to start Hunted ... which I did almost immediately. I'll tell ya - it's books like this that will be good to make up my 50 books for the year: quick, easy and exciting reads!!!

Relentless: A Novel

Relentless - Dean Koontz Fabulous! This book started out as your typical thriller and quickly became something else entirely. I won't say what for fear of spoiling it for those who have not yet read it. I had forgotten how thrilling a Dean Koontz can be. My only complaint is the semi-climatic ending that left me wanting more. And more. And more still. Regardless, it's a fascinating read. Enjoyable. Quirky. Twists in all the right spots and jaw-dropping revelations in key spots. I'd read it again if I didn't have 45 more to get through before the end of the year. :)

Deeper Than The Dead

Deeper Than The Dead - TAMI HOAG As usual, Tami Hoag has me wanting to shuck all my responsibilities just to get to the end. This one is ingeniously written in a time when things like cell phones in your pocket, DNA and fingerprint databases were still a dream. She didn't dwell on that aspect too much, which made me forget sometimes ... in between grumbles about old-school police work and awestruck revelations ... I managed to thoroughly enjoy it anyway.

A darn good read. Tami Hoag is one of the best of them!

The Lost Symbol (Dan Brown)

The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown I was a little disappointed in this one. Much as I like the Langdon character and his skepticism, he was slightly too resistant for me in this book. Also, the whole notion of the symbol itself (what it is and what it represents) was a little too far-fetched for me also. So maybe I am just as resistant as Langdon.

Frankly, after Angels and Demons, it's going to be hard to "grab" me as hard. I think it's been all downhill from there for the Langdon stories.

Like Water for Chocolate

Like Water for Chocolate - Thomas Christensen, Carol Christensen, Laura Esquivel I am stunned how fast I finished this considering I was worried about how to get it done by the end of the month, without getting distracted by the other intriguing books in line behind it.

However, I was taken pleasantly by surprise.

Written in a style new to me, this book takes the whole concept of weaving the multiple themes of fantasy, romance and tragedy to a whole new level. The characters laid a beautiful harmony to the melody of the story and left me wanting to sing when it was done.

I have to say that this is a must-read.

The Stranger Beside Me (Revised and Updated): 20th Anniversary

The Stranger Beside Me: Ted Bundy The Shocking Inside Story - Ann Rule Amazing perspective of Ted Bundy from Rule's point of view, but I couldn't do better than 3 stars simply because it is such a disturbing story to begin with.

While I don't think I've ever known the details of the Bundy killings, knowing he is one of the most notorious serial killers preceded my reading of this book. Ann paints the perfect outside picture of someone looking in on the Bundy story. She managed to elicit horror, pathos and fear with her story.

Solid writing about a horrific subject. I am looking forward to my next Rule. :)

The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)

The Sorceress - Michael Scott As with the other 2 books, I found it very difficult to put away. Non-stop action and fascinating backstories are the perfect ingredients for an astoundingly good read.