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Currently reading

The God Delusion
Richard Dawkins
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
Henry Miller
The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World
Marti Olsen Laney
The Positive Power Of Negative Thinking
Julie K. Norem
A Druid's Tale
Cat Treadwell

Portrait Of A Killer: Jack The Ripper -- Case Closed (Berkley True Crime)

Portrait Of A Killer: Jack The Ripper -- Case Closed (Berkley True Crime) - Patricia Cornwell Interesting book. I had always thought that no one had any idea about the identity of London's most notorious serial killer. Apparently, that is not so. Cornwell makes many assumptions in her study, but none of them are unfounded and are all perfectly plausible. An enlightening read.